New Barn Timberframes

Our new barn timber frames are constructed using the mortise & tenon joinery style found in barns that pre-date 1900. Most of this new work are reproductions of a specific building style, although we do create structures of new design and purpose which are quite satisfying for our customers.

Click on the photos below to take a closer look. If you have any questions please give us a call or fill out the form on the left.
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Quaker Meeting Shed

Reproduction of a Quaker meeting shed garage in Central Bucks, PA - 1991. Pictures are of a timber frame that was built with new white and red oak. (Project by Curtis L. Iden, Judith Iden Partnership.)

Timberframe Garage

Reproduction of a carriage house style garage with a studio - 1 1/2 stories. Was built out of new white and red oak. (Project by Curtis L. Iden, Judith Iden Partnership.)
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Pool House

Creation of a Pool House using antique, hand-hewn beams and recycled Vermont slate for the roof. - 1993 (Project by Curtis L. Iden, Judith Iden Partnership.)
Want to find out more? Fill out the form on the left and we'll be happy answer your questions and help you with your project.